Departament de Física Aplicada
universitat politècnica de catalunya

Nonlinear Physics and Far from Equilibrium Systems

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Systems of granular superconductors

A new type of particle detector and low energy radiation is based on the detection of the transition, induced by the incident radiation, of superconductor to normal in a metastable superconductor material. The study of these systems has both applied and fundamental interest, and involves calculations of transitions in the presence of magnetic fields. Among the topics we are interested on are:

  • Characterization of the response of superconductor systems of granular type (SSG). We study the dynamics of these transitions under increments of the applied magnetic field. Then we plan to study the effect of radiation.

  • Evaluation of the parameters of Ginzburg-Landau in granular superconductors. This requires simulating transitions with a decreasing magnetic field.

  • Bidimensional magnetic systems. The penetration of magnetic field lines in superconducting films present very interesting morphologies. We plan to study this case with a phase-field model.

Secció del Departament de Física Aplicada EPSEB
Av. Dr. Marañón 44 - 08028 Barcelona - Tel.: 93-401 62 63 -