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LaTeX Utilities


I want to describe here how I make plots using gnuplot with LaTeX output. I created a little bash script called gp2epspdf.bash that converts a file with gnuplot commands to an EPS and a PDF file, ready to include in the LaTeX documents. You can download the script gp2epspdf.bash from here. An example of an input file can be downloaded from here. The corresponding EPS and PDF output files are like the image below.
gp2epspdf LaTeX plot
To see all line styles and point types available, create a file containing only the word test, and then type bash gp2epspdf.bash file. If you think you will use often this bash script, you can make an alias in your ~/.bashrc file.


I found a very useful perl script, written by Karsten Hilbert and Frank Meineke, that converts a data file (data.dat) to a LaTeX table (table.tex).
The script can be downloaded from here. You can download an example of an input file from here. The example of the corresponding output file (table.tex) is here.

Processing documents:

I have created very simple scripts to make easier the processing of LaTeX documents. The objective of this scripts is to remove all the latex or pdflatex output files except the PDF one, and display the result in the screen. The latex (or pdflatex) command is run twice in order to ensure that all the hyperlinks and bibliography cites work properly. If you use often the scripts above, I recommend you to make an alias in your ~/.bashrc file. Below you can download some examples of input files for those scripts: