Departament de Física Aplicada
universitat politècnica de catalunya

Nonlinear Physics and Far from Equilibrium Systems

correu de contacte

Transport on solid surfaces

Transport of particles on crystalline surfaces presents a very rich phenomenology and constitutes a field of big technological interest. We are interested in the phenomena of sorting that can take place when, in the presence of an external force, the particles acquire velocities that deviate from the direction of the applied force, being this deviation dependent on the characteristics of the particles. There are recent experiments on the sorting of colloidal particles under periodic potentials and on sorting of DNA using localized obstacles. Inspired by these experiments, we model these situations through Langevin equations, with bidimensional potentials of appropriate form, including different kinds of asymmetries.
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Secció del Departament de Física Aplicada EPSEB
Av. Dr. Marañón 44 - 08028 Barcelona - Tel.: 93-401 62 63 -